March 2019's Favorite Swan Princess Fan
The Original Swan Princess will always hold a special place in Avitha's heart. She shows her love of the movies by the beautiful fan art she creates of Swan Princess Characters!
Of all the Swan Princess characters, Avitha has the greatest connection with Queen Uberta. She feels they both often get overlooked even though they are bright and capable people. We love our Queen Uberta and this talented fan!
In 2017, Avitha placed number one in the The Swan Princess Fan Art Contest with these amazing pieces:
Generation Up Together Forever
Take a look at her Deviant Art page to see more of Avitha's talent!
Avitha is from Fresno, California. She graduated from Phillip J. Patino School of Entrepreneurship. She is currently a freshman at Fresno City College and also teaches Hebrew at her temple’s Sunday School.
Avitha aspires to create animated films as a writer, concept artist, or creative consultant. She wants to share her wonderful ideas with others through animated productions. Avitha's hobbies include writing original stories and designing her own characters along with drawing fan art.
Growing up, Avitha watched the original Swan Princess film and it quickly became one of her favorites. It wasn't until a little later she learned of the two sequels. When the series was on Netflix, Avitha was able to enjoy the whole Swan Princess collection.
There is no surprise that one of Avitha's favorite forms of entertainment is animated movies, since working on animated movies is her dream job. Some of her favorite animated movies are Lilo and Stitch, Atlantis the Lost Empire, Hercules, Treasure Planet, Zootopia, Coco, How to Train your Dragon, Corpse Bride, Paranorman and Kubo and the Two Strings. Some of Avitha's favorite shows are Danny Phantom, Avatar the Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Tangled the Series, Ducktales and The Dragon Prince.
Avitha is an impressively capable and intelligent young woman we are proud to call a Swan Princess Fan!
1 comment
Wonderful artwork :)