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News from the Kingdom!
Katye Weiss, a doll maker in Brazil, has made a beautiful Swan Princess Odette Doll!
This is uniquely hand sewn with exquisite detail! Her limbs move, her soft hair is brushable, and her dress looks just like the movie!
You can follow Katye on Instagram and see all of the other stunning dolls she has sewn here.
Do you think we should offer dolls like these for sale on our website? Let us know on social media @SwanPrincessOfficial or through email at
There is a new Swan Princess Meme Group on Facebook! This fan-created and fan-run group loves to share memes, fan art, and cosplay with each other. You can see some of our favorite memes from the group below.
If you have an account with Facebook, you can find the meme group here.
This month Princess Odette was excited to film for a TV show with the Mascot Miracles Foundation! The episode will be part of a series on BYUTV called Making Good with Kirby Heyborne.
This show highlights volunteer organizations across the United States and the things they are doing to make good in their communities.
This episode will air in Spring 2023. We are excited to see it!
Fun Fact: the host of the show, Kirby Heyborne, voices some of the ensemble characters in the Swan Princess Franchise!
The show Making Good is available to stream here and you can follow Kirby Heborne on Instagram here
This month we are celebrating the birthday of His Royal Highness (in his own mind) JeanBob!
This makes JeanBob's zodiac sign a Virgo and his birthstone the blue sapphire.
Virgos are perfectionists and are easily fixated by both ideas and tasks. They systematically approach their lives with very linear thinking and an "if this, than that" way of problem solving.

Virgos are hyper aware of details and this makes them very picky about the things and people they keep around them.

Virgos are good at taking complicated jumbles of information onto clear, sometimes oversimplified concepts. They are resourceful and committed friends.

We think this sounds just like JeanBob! And his fixation on getting a kiss to turn back into a prince!

Blue sapphires are associated with royalty and are said to be good for attracting wealth and gifts. Maybe JeanBob should start wearing a sapphire to aid in his "smooching" quest!
Is your birthday in September or do you just like the color blue?
Purchase your gemstone heart locket here!
Part of our vintage collection, we sell the original audio cassette tape of the The Swan Princess soundtrack. This is a fun collectible for ardent Swan Princess fans.
We have less than 10 of these left in stock so make sure to get yours here!
Question: Where did you get the idea and concept of the great animal?
Answer: There are many variations to the story of Swan Lake that have been told over time. In the 1877 version, an owl carries away Odette's crown from the lake, resulting in her death.
Rothbart was an established antagonist in the Tchaikovsky Ballet of Swan Lake and primarily shape-shifted into an owl-like creature. This was carried over into the Swan Princess in the form of a large bird-of-prey.

1 comment
Me and my best friend LOVE EVERYTHING ON THIS WEBSITE and we plan to buy a lot of items ! Please post more items!