Watch the video blog post here!!
The Swan Princess: Kingdom of Music, the 9th film in the series, will be released August 6th, 2019! Watch the trailer here!
Big news about our Swan Princess 25th Anniversary Red Carpet event this year! The original voice of Princess Odette, the beloved Michelle Nicastro, lost her life to breast cancer in 2010. In honor of Michelle, a very talented voice actress, and for breast cancer awareness month in October, we have decided to change to a Pink Carpet event! More details about that to come but for now, we can announce that our Pink Carpet event will be on the 24th of October 2019, in Los Angeles!
Don’t forget about entering our video sweepstakes. The winner will be invited to the, one and only, 25th Anniversary Swan Princess Pink Carpet event! Here’s what you need to do to enter:
Create a Swan Princess themed video that is at least one minute long.
Videos that only include clips from our films will not qualify.
Anyone can enter, not just those in the United States!
Post your video online with mention of both our Swan Princess youtube channel and our website
Send us an email at with a URL of your posted work. Include your name in the email and you’ll be entered!
The sweepstakes will last until the first week of September, so we’ll keep reminding you for those joining us late!
Thank you to those who visited us at the Swan Princess Booth at MegaCon last month! We had so much fun talking to the fans who came by. Our hottest seller was our DVDs. Fans loved that they were able to get their DVD’s signed, in person, by Producer, Seldon Young!
We’ll be in San Jose, California for the Silicon Valley Comic Con August 16th through the 18th! We’ll be having a giveaway for a giant speed plush so come on by to say hello and enter to win!
We’ve heard about the problems with the Daily Wheel on the Gator Escape game. It has now been fixed! We apologize for the inconvenience, but now you’ll be able to win more coins every day to get your favorite skins! Come play for yourself!
For those die-hard fans of the original Swan Princess film, the production cels of an iconic scene of Odette’s transformation (sequence 7-76), has become a fan favorite and is being bought out quickly! So if you want to own this piece of history, check out the art cel here!
Q: Is Swan Princess 9 The Kingdom of Music the final movie? - yasssblackqueen, ebbaragnarsson (Instagram)
A: While we can’t give much detail, we can say that we actually have the 10th Swan Princess movie in production right now!
If you have a question for the Q & A Corner, email
Odette’s Diary Entry: Remembering Father’s Day
Dear Diary,
Father’s Day is coming up soon and I can’t help but think of my own father during this time. Each year, Father’s Day was around the time that I had to travel Derek’s kingdom for the summer. I remember getting into a lot of fights with my dad when I was a teenager. There were some years that I didn’t properly celebrate Father’s Day because I was so mad at him. I made it up later when we both settled down, of course, but I know it’s not the same. Everyone reveres my father as a great and wise king and he was! But I really just knew him as the man who would send me to my room because I didn’t want to sit next to Derek at the dinner table. I’m grateful nowadays for all the effort he put into arranging our meetings every summer. I see now that my dad was ensuring I would have good company in my future and keep me happy. Back then I blamed him for continuing to push me to be friends with the rude, self-centered brat that Derek used to be. I’m so glad Derek grew out of that. But I digress... I wish my father was alive to go to my wedding, or at least to know I am safe and feel proud of me. What I wish the most is that I could tell him I’m sorry for everything I said back then. I can wish all I want, but I know not much can come from it. All I can really do is make sure Alise has fun with Derek during this Father’s Day. I’ll make sure to tell her some good stories of when her grandfather was still around so his memory will live on in future generations.