Watch the video blog here!
The location of The Swan Princess 25th Anniversary Red Carpet event happening later this year has been announced. It will take place in...Los Angeles! Stay tuned next month for more details.
Thank you to those who visited us at the Swan Princess Booth at FanX last month! We all had a blast! A fun fact: Our hottest sellers at this FanX were the new journal and the hip flasks!
The Gator Escape app has been updated again to include the Daily Wheel! Spinning the wheel every day will give you more coins and other perks so you can earn the grand new skilled skins! Come play for yourself!
As of April 11th, the Swan Princess 9: The Kingdom of Music trailer has been publicly available! You can check it out here on our official YouTube channel!
For those on the east coast going to MegaCon in Orlando, Florida, come check us out from May 16 - 19 at the Swan Princess booth #3071! We’ll be having an art cell giveaway so make sure you sign up for your chance to win!! Check out more info about it right over here!
Now for something really big!! We’re offering a sweepstake for a winner to be invited to the, one and only, 25th Anniversary Swan Princess Red Carpet event later this year! Here’s what you need to do to enter:
Create a Swan Princess themed video that is at least one minute long.
Videos that only include clips from our films will not qualify.
Post your video online with mention of both our Swan Princess youtube channel and our website
Send us an email at with a URL of your posted work. Include your name in the email and you’ll be entered!
The sweepstakes will last until the first week of September, so we’ll keep a reminder for those joining us late!

Q&A Corner!
Q: Will there be any Funko Pop figures of the Swan Princess series? - jennacostadeedy, prinzechris (Instagram)
A: Actually, we’ve been working on that but without success! With the 25th anniversary, we think it’d be a great time to try to collaborate with Funko! If you’d like to help us catch their attention, you can send your requests of which Swan Princess character you’d like most to Funko’s feedback email!
If you have a question for the Q & A Corner, email
Odette’s Diary Entry: Mother’s Day Mayhem
Dear Diary,
I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun on Mother’s Day! Since I didn’t have a mother growing up, I didn’t have a chance to celebrate it until after marrying Derek. Puffin told me that Alise also didn’t have a mother until she came into our family. She mostly spent Mother's Day with her Papa in the past.
Do you know who knows everything about Mother’s Day? Queen Uberta! Her expertise makes up for both me and Alise. From what I was told, she tried to give lessons to Alise on how to try to "spoil me" for Mothers Day “as all good children should”. So I awoke with multiple vases of tulips and a buffet table of food next to my bedside. There was a note with Alise’s handwriting, wishing me happy Mother's Day, but she was nowhere to be found. I couldn’t possibly eat so much food on my own. Happily Speed, Jean-Bob and Puffin volunteered to help.
I went to find Alise, only to be swept up by the maids and whisked off to a ‘spa day’. A warm milk bath and mud facials, all of which had been farmed and gathered by Alise herself. Everything was all fine and good, except that I was in there alone. I knew I had to sneak away when I was told that my lunch buffet was going to be delivered soon.
I had to tip-toe around the castle, avoiding the servants who wanted to start my next ‘Mother Day treatment’. Eventually, I found Alise with three bowls of cake batter balanced on one arm. She was trying her hardest to stir them all while staring at a list that reached the floor. Poor thing really had been making everything by herself. While I was touched, I was more worried about her well-being. When I approached her she got upset that I wasn't busy enjoying myself on my day of relaxation. She told me how much she wanted to thank me for everything I’ve done for her.
After a little discussion and some warm hugs, Alise and I decided to ditch the list, grab a little lunch and head out of the kingdom. She took me out to the lake where she used to live and we were able to go fishing. This was something she did with her Papa on Mother’s day. When we came back, we expected Uberta to be furious that we left everything she had planned out for me. Luckily, Derek is very familiar with the list from years of experience with his Mother so he picked up the slack! Alise and I decided to work together to make dinner for everyone with all the fish we caught, and honestly, I think we should do this every year. I love my daughter so much, and I’m so happy I get to be a mother.
Things are super exciting with the 25th anniversary celebration inching closer. And now a new contest as well! It's going to be so entertaining to see what else is in store for us this summer!
See you again soon!
About The Swan Princess
The Swan Princess is based upon the folk tale and ballet, Swan Lake. The story is transformed into a playfully fun adventure with exciting music, lovable forest friends, and of course, the handsome Prince Derek. The Swan Princess, Odette, has stayed true to original fairy tale princess with her kindness, grace, and loyalty.
Three reasons you should follow us on social media 1) Get a behind-the-scenes look as Princess Odette and Prince Derek continue their adventures 2) Be one of the first to be notified when new products are released and 3) Share your Swan Princess stories and tales with other die-hard fans.