Abbey has lived in Clinton her whole life. Her dad and Grandpa worked on a ranch that was across the street from their house. They had horses and would rope for sport. Their land included everywhere you could see a house basically. Then, Abbey's dad finally sold the ranch. Her life became very different from when she was growing up.
Abbey attended Syracuse High and graduated in 2014. She actually graduated early, but got to walk with her class at graduation. About that time the doctors saw that Abbey had a brain tumor growing and wanted to do brain surgery. A lot of prayer and fasting helped the tumor go away. Abbey also went to Shriners Hospital in Salt Lake City for her legs. She has had lots of surgeries and took time and worked hard to learn how to walk. She walks with crutches and has named them Mike & Ike.

Abbey's favorite job she has had was at SeaQuest Interactive Aquarium in Layton, Utah. She loved working with animals, but, unfortunately the air quality made her skin break out. Abbey also worked at Castle of Chaos Haunted Houses for three years. She loved to scare people.

Abbey has always liked to write, poetry mostly, she just loves wording things together and having them make sense. Abbey loves to go to Salt Lake Comic Con (now FanX Convention) whenever they come. She usually dresses in Steampunk Cosplay. Abbey also likes to go to car shows and dress in pinup fashion.

Abbey and her sister grew up on the Swan Princess movie. She has watched it so much she has it memorized.

Abbey identifies with Odette a lot, because she is trying to become her own person without a man and is just handling life on her own.

Abbey loves the movies She’s The Man, Anastasia, and any other Disney movies.
Abbey's proudest achievement is being awarded two scholarships and using them at Weber State University. Also, Abbey got some teaching by Kirk Duncan on how to get up and public speak.
Abbey had a little cat for eighteen years. A neighbor found her in their field. The kitten's mom had been electrocuted by a power box so Abbey adopted the baby. She was the best little thing. Her name was Tilley named after Atilla the Hun.

You can follow Abbey on Instagram here

We are grateful to have such a wonderful fan as Abbey in our Swan Princess Family! Thank you Abbey!
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1 comment
I just wanted to say that I love The Swan Princess. It’s been my favorite movie since I was a little girl.