

Princess Odette

Princess Odette is a graceful radiant young woman. A true princess in every way, worthy of the title and crown. Her outward beauty is only matched by her inner strength. She is kind and thoughtful and every bit a princess when she needs to be. As a girl Odette liked to laugh loudly, wrestle and play with the boys (who were not particularly keen on girls). When she grew older, she developed other interests such as astronomy and reading. She is very intelligent and learns quickly.

Growing up, Princess Odette always thought that Prince Derek was self-absorbed, until one day she saw the man inside, and all her doubts were gone. When Odette thought that Derek might be enamored only by her beauty, she refused to marry him. True love won out.

Princess Odette is strong-willed and stands up to the evil enchanter Rothbart and his several counterparts in each movie. More than just a pretty face and royal title, Princess Odette is a princess to be emulated, even when cursed to spend her days as a swan.


Prince Derek

Prince Derek is one of the most adventurous and heroic leading man in the history of classic fairy tales. He is handsome, courageous, strong and determined. When Derek learns of Odette's abduction by the Great Animal, he realizes his loss and the meaning of true love. Derek devotes himself to helping her escape his evil clutches. While Derek is a very likable guy with a good sense of humor, he becomes rather melancholy, until he finds Odette.

Prince Derek is a natural leader and an accomplished athlete. He demonstrates his skills in horseback riding adventures and in exciting and unusual archery competitions with Lord Rogers and Bromley. Day after day the Prince practices...he spins and fires his arrows with expert skill, never missing. His strongest desire is to fix the mistake he made by not confessing his undying love to Princess Odette when he had the chance. With courage and conviction he longs for the day that he will track down the Great Animal and tell Odette of his love for her.



JeanBob believes he is a human prince trapped inside the body of a frog. All he needs is a kiss from Princess Odette and POOF!, he'll return to his throne forever. With his suspicious French accent and uppity sense of humor he has become a favorite in The Swan Princess series.



Puffin is a visitor to Swan Lake. He's a tough Irish bird with military training, and he is determined to be of help to Princess Odette.



Speed is a slow-talking giant tortoise with a wry sense of humor. He is a trusted friend to Jean-Bob and has been a loyal friend to Princess Odette ever since she was brought to Swan Lake. He puts his life on the line in a dangerous underwater mission to free Princess Odette. Only when being pursued by hungry alligators does Speed live up to his name.



Rothbart is an evil Enchanter with one aim in life; to get King William's kingdom. He would prefer to gain title legally through marriage to the beautiful Princess Odette, and so, as the Great Animal, he captures Princess Odette, casts a spell on her, and threatens to keep her until she agrees to be his wife. However, after Prince Derek discovers Princess Odette is alive, Rothbart quickly plots to take the kingdom by force. His wickedness is intensified by his raspy voice and sinister glare. Rothbart is played by Jack Palance with delightful malice... complete with one-armed push-ups.

 Queen Uberta

Queen Uberta is a supporting character of The Swan Princess. She is the former Queen of Chamberg and the wife to King Maximillian . She is also the mother to King Derek and mother-in-law to Queen Odette and adopted grandmother to Princess Alise.


Lord Rogers


Lord Balthazar Rogers is a supporting character throughout The Swan Princess franchise. He is Derek's, though sarcastic, musician tutor and has been Queen Uberta's personal valet since Derek was a child. He has a little rivalry with Bromley by playing tricks on him. He always trains Derek in a series of archery tests including the "Catch And Fire" technique, which was used to defeat Rothbart.




Bromley is Derek's lifelong chap sidekick, and fellow archer. He is the comic relief of the movie, along with Lord Rogers. He is one the funniest and devoted characters. He is also the one who gets pestered by Rogers a lot, like in the "Catch and Fire", and the "Suspect's footprint" and he was grabbed by Rogers and thrown into a mud puddle.




Sir Chamberlain (Chamberlain for short) is a character of The Swan Princess and as the castle’s jolly lackey, he does what Queen Uberta asks him to do.


King William


King William is Odette's father who appears at the beginning of the first film. He devised a plan with Queen Uberta, the widowed queen of the neighboring kingdom, to marry off their children, Derek and Odette. Shortly after Odette's birth, he temporarily defeated the sorcerer Rothbart and banished him, instead of imprisoning him or executing him as called for, much to the fear of many people over him being "too kind."


The Hag/Bridget


The Hag is an old woman who was apprentice to Rothbart, who is the evil sorcerer that plans to take Princess Odette's hand by force and steal King William's Kingdom. The Hag is transformed into Odile, the exact replica of Odette, so that Derek will vow his love to the wrong woman. After Rothbart is defeated, The Hag joins the royal court, assumes the name of Bridget, and reforms from her evil ways. She is the ongoing love interest to Chamberlain.




Knuckles is the mischievous sidekick to Clavius in the second Swan Princess film, The Swan Princess: Escape from Castle Mountain. He sets fires in the village, is the jailer to Queen Uberta during her captivity, and has various confrontations with Prince Derek. 




Clavius is the main antagonist of The Swan Princess: Escape from Castle Mountain. As a dangerous magician and the boss of Sir Knuckles, Clavius was Rothbart's assistant and partner in crime, but he was betrayed by Rothbart once he had helped him develop the Forbidden Arts.




Whizzer is a light blue and white yaki-bird from The Swan Princess: The Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure. He looks similar to a crane and he can mimic voices like a parrot.

Whizzer can imitate any voice after hearing it only once. This is why Zelda captured and enslaved him so he could trick members of the castle into telling him whether Rothbart's notes were there by pretending to be another member of the castle who would not do anything harmful if they found out about the notes. She wanted him to use his voice imitation to find out about the Forbidden Arts and pass any information back to her.



Zelda was the main antagonist of The Swan Princess: The Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure. She is a cunning evil sorceress who helped the incredibly strong enchanter Rothbart regain his mystical powers via crafting the Forbidden Arts together. However, after Rothbart betrayed her due to his "obsession" with Princess Odette, Zelda plotted to get the re-created Forbidden Arts for herself. Her partnership with fellow high magician Clavius was omitted.

Number 9 - Jasper


Number Nine (Jasper) is a black cat and the secondary antagonist new helper to  Rothbart. Number 9 lured Derek to an enchanted box that he should open in and so that the ghost of Rothbart can come out and he'll have the power to destroy Christmas.




Bortan Gali Gali Gumwatt Sumwatt Bing, also known as Scully, is a flying squirrel. Scully has a selfless, father-like personality, matching his role as a healer/shaman. Being confident in his own abilities, as well as those of others, he able to remain calm in any situation, despite his status as an outcast, and always has an amused, dry one-liner ready to hand.



Jojo and his older brother believed the false legend of the evil Swan Princess. And so Jojo and his brother (Cutter) prepare a trap to kill Odette. They blew some nuts at the horse and the horse rears in panic and bolts in pain, while Odette tries to get the reins but she fell back on her carriage and she tries to climb back up but she wasn't able to.



Brodie acts as a second leader of the scullions. He comments to the orders scullions to imprison the Queen Uberta, Lord Rogers, Chef Ferdinand, Bromley, Bridget and Chamberlain in the Cellar.



Cutter was the older brother of Jojo in the movie The Swan Princess A Royal Family Tale. He and Jojo are flying squirrels also known as Scullions. In the movie, he joins the other Scullions to destroy the Swan Princess. But soon it's revealed that it was a fake legend and Mangler, the Scullions' leader gets banished.



Mangler is the leader of the flying squirrels and a loyal follower of the Forbidden Arts out of fear for his life, making him an antagonist not because his life was in danger but because he later showed no remorse for the wicked deeds he carried out for the Forbidden Arts. He is the oldest member of the flying squirrels, but he is ruthless, relentless, and bitter - and he refuses to accept the Scullions' failure to kill the Swan Princess, fearing whatever punishment the Forbidden Arts has in store for him should they fail.

Princess Alise

Princess Alise is the adopted daughter of Derek and Odette. She joined the family in the fifth Swan Princess movie , A Royal Family Tale. With the care and affections of Derek, Odette, Uberta and Rogers, Alise becomes a splendid and fun member of the palace life.

The Boggs 

The Boggs are a group of reptilian animals in the sixth film, The Swan Princess: A Princess Tomorrow, Pirate Today. They are native to a tropical beach/island. The Boggs are carnivorous and mourn the lack of meat available to them. When they encounter JeanBob, instead of wanting him for meat, they believe he is a deity and worship him.



Prince Lucas is a character in the Swan Princess films. He is Princess Alise's best friend and the son of tulip farmers. As a castaway, he wears a white t-shirt and brown pants, both ripped and has darker brown hair.

Count Antonio


Count Antonio is a cunning and charming character in the seventh film, The Swan Princess: A Royal Myztery. He is a sophisticated and polite manipulator that excels in creating conflict and accumulating wealth by illegal means. Queen Uberta is enamored with his charms and believes that Count Antonio is in love with her. 


Niccolo is a mysterious and intelligent character in The Swan Princess: A Royal Myztery. A villain known for his calm and calculating nature, he often works behind the scenes, quietly observing and gathering information. Niccolo is resourceful, using his intellect to solve problems and navigate tricky situations. Though not as outwardly charismatic as others, his quiet confidence and strategic thinking make him an important figure in the unfolding events, helping to reveal crucial details as the story progresses.



Fang is a fierce and intimidating antagonist in The Swan Princess series. As a loyal henchman, he is known for his brute strength and aggressive demeanor, often acting as the muscle behind the villain’s plans. Unlike the more cunning villains, Fang relies on physical force and intimidation to achieve his goals. His loyalty to his master makes him a dangerous opponent, willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. Though he lacks the strategic thinking of other villains, his raw power and relentless nature make him a formidable foe for the heroes.

Queen Wixom


Queen Wixom is a prominent character in The Swan Princess: A Royal Myztery. She is depicted as a regal and commanding figure, often embodying the traits of a traditional queen. Queen Wixom is ambitious and manipulative, using her influence and position to pursue her own agenda. Her cunning nature makes her a key antagonist in the story, as she works behind the scenes to create challenges for the protagonists. While she may present a composed and dignified facade, her willingness to engage in deceitful tactics reveals her darker motivations and desire for power.

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