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Happy New Year!
It's the start of a new year, a chance for new beginnings, new adventures and even more fun!
After celebrating the new year with a kiss, Prince Derek and Princess Odette are ready for more adventures, laughter and love with their family and friends!
Announcing the Live-Action Poster Contest Winner:
Many fans sent very swanderful movie posters for our Live Action Movie Poster Contest. This made it an extremely difficult decision for us so we decided on 3 winners, that will each receive an art cel.
Congratulations to:
Stacey ( @aitenshimisha )
Katie ( @bonesmakenoise )


Thank you to everyone for participating!!!

Can be loosely translated to mean "for the sake of old times".
Robert Burns' famous poem, 'Auld Lang Syne', has become a key part of New Year celebrations across the world!
The Scottish poet's birthday is also celebrated this month, on the 25th January, known as 'Burns Night'!
Robert Burns - Scottish Poet
Also known as Rabbie Burns, this famous poet and lyricist is also referred to as the National Bard and Ploughman poet, as well as the National Poet of Scotland.
The poems of Robert Burns include the famous poem, 'Auld Lang Syne', which is traditionally sung at the stroke of midnight to bring in the New Year as friends and family link arms and celebrate the start of another year.

In Scotland, Auld Lang Syne is also sung at a number of other occasions including Burns Suppers, The Last Night of The Proms and The Edinburgh Military Tattoo!
Although there are several verses, it is commonly the first verse and chorus that are sung for New Year celebrations, particularly in English speaking countries (where words and phrases in the poem are sometimes translated or reworded).
In many places, the tune gets faster and faster each time as people sing and dance!
You can find the first verse and chorus below!
Traditional First Verse and Chorus
(English Speaking Countries)
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

She is also Nice to all of the animals.
She is also purity
I think it will be a great idea.
Can I watch the live action movie The swan princess please.
princess Odette is kinda very gorgeous she is so beautiful