Monthly Birthstone Feature
If is it the month of your birthday, use code GEMSTONE10 for 10% off the gemstone necklace!

This month we are celebrating the birthday of Mister Lorenzo Trudgealong, but his friends call him Speed!
This means Speed is a Pisces in the zodiac and aquamarine is his birthstone.
Pisces is the most intuitive and sympathetic of the zodiac signs and always goes out of their way to make sure everyone around them is happy. They are gentle, kind, and always ready to listen. They are very friendly and selfless.
Because it is so easy for the Pisces to make friends, they are often friends with many different kinds of people with strong personalities. They are the glue that hold these relationships together. Pisces are very tolerant and always willing to help others, no matter the situation; they often neglect their own self-care in the process.
Aquamarine symbolizes courage and friendship. It can also be used to improve communication skills and encourage quick response.
We think this sounds just like Speed!
Is your birthday in March or do you just like the color blue? Purchase your Aquamarine Birthstone Locket here!
Its Puffin's birthday in February!
That makes his zodiac sign an Aquarius and his birthstone the amethyst.
Aquarius are assertive and love to be the ones to make plans. They love evidence and facts; they are always looking for truth, justice, and fairness. They are analytical which makes them led more by their heads than their hearts.
Aquarius are not afraid to be themselves. They are unique and a bit eccentric. They always say what they think and can be very flowery when they speak. Their biggest dislikes are stick-in-the-mud type people who don't want to go along with their plans.
Amethyst is considered the most powerful and protective stone. It is used to have control of one's own thoughts and mindfulness and can also protect against fearful feelings.
We think this No Fear attitude sounds just like General Puffin!
Is your birthday in February or do you just like the color purple? Purchase your amethyst gemstone locket here.
This month we are celebrating the birthday of Lord Rogers! He has a zodiac sign of a Capricorn and the garnet as his birthstone.
Capricorns are known for being responsible, disciplined, and excellent managers of both themselves and others. They have good self control and make wonderful leaders. They also tend to have a bit of a know-it-all attitude that can make them condescending and sarcastic.
Capricorns like family, tradition, and quality in both people and innovations. Capricorns dislike, well, everything at some point. But that is what makes a compliment from a Capricorn so sincere!
The garnet is a stone that represents and attracts prosperity and abundance. Its beautiful deep red color is a powerful stone that can bring good luck in a new job or in reaching your goals.
We think this sounds exactly like Lord Rogers!
Is your birthday in January or do you just like the color red? You can purchase your garnet gemstone locket here

This month we are celebrating the birthday of His Royal Highness (in his own mind) JeanBob!
This makes JeanBob's zodiac sign a Virgo and his birthstone the blue sapphire.
Virgos are perfectionists and are easily fixated by both ideas and tasks. They systematically approach their lives with very linear thinking and an "if this, than that" way of problem solving.

Virgos are hyper aware of details and this makes them very picky about the things and people they keep around them.

Virgos are good at taking complicated jumbles of information onto clear, sometimes oversimplified concepts. They are resourceful and committed friends.

We think this sounds just like JeanBob! And his fixation on getting a kiss to turn back into a prince!

Blue sapphires are associated with royalty and are said to be good for attracting wealth and gifts. Maybe JeanBob should start wearing a sapphire to aid in his "smooching" quest!
Is your birthday in September or do you just like the color blue?
Purchase your gemstone heart locket here!

This month we're celebrating Mei Li's birthday! This makes her astrological sign Cancer and her birthstone the ruby.
Cancer signs are very sensitive and sentimental. Their heart rules over their head. Better in small groups, Cancer signs are known for being fiercely loyal friends and for their good natured sense of humor.
Because they are so deeply feeling, large groups and stress can overwhelm cancer signs and make them anxious and overwhelmed. In interpersonal relationships, however, this makes them very attentive. They remember small details and love sentimental and romantic gestures.
Cancer signs tend to be homebodies. They like their peaceful space where they can control what kind of energies enter into it.
Cancer signs are loyal to the core and will always show up for their friends and loved ones. No matter what those they care about come first for them. We see this in Mei Li's undying devotion to Chen, despite his curse.
Is your birthday in July or do you just love the color red?

This month we are celebrating the birthday of the helpful and friendly Scully. This makes his zodiac sign Taurus and his birthstone the emerald.
Taurus people are reliable and down-to-earth. They are very stubborn and love set patterns in life. They make loyal friends as they are wonderful at staying the course of life's ups and downs to be forever supportive of those they love.
Taurus love all things relationship, including familial relationships. Scully is always there to help his adopted family (Odette and all of her friends). Even after he became a ghost he was there for them no matter what.
Taurus are loving and soothing to be around, this makes them great mentors and caregivers especially for young children, like Lucas and Alise.
They have very strong opinions and tend to stick to them. While this makes them passionate it can also make them seem unadventurous or close-minded.
The emerald symbolizes balance, growth, peace, and foresight. Scully certainly showed great foresight in his study of the prophecy about Odette!
We think this sounds just like Scully! Is your birthday in May or do you just love the color green?
Purchase your very own Swan Princess emerald birthstone locket here!

This month we are celebrating the birthday of Mister Lorenzo Trudgealong, but his friends call him Speed!
This means Speed is a Pisces in the zodiac and aquamarine is his birthstone.
Pisces is the most intuitive and sympathetic of the zodiac signs and always goes out of their way to make sure everyone around them is happy. They are gentle, kind, and always ready to listen. They are very friendly and selfless.
Because it is so easy for the Pisces to make friends, they are often friends with many different kinds of people with strong personalities. They are the glue that hold these relationships together. Pisces are very tolerant and always willing to help others, no matter the situation; they often neglect their own self-care in the process.
Aquamarine symbolizes courage and friendship. It can also be used to improve communication skills and encourage quick response.
We think this sounds just like Speed!
Is your birthday in March or do you just like the color blue? Purchase your Aquamarine Birthstone Locket here!
Its Puffin's birthday in February!
That makes his zodiac sign an Aquarius and his birthstone the amethyst.
Aquarius are assertive and love to be the ones to make plans. They love evidence and facts; they are always looking for truth, justice, and fairness. They are analytical which makes them led more by their heads than their hearts.
Aquarius are not afraid to be themselves. They are unique and a bit eccentric. They always say what they think and can be very flowery when they speak. Their biggest dislikes are stick-in-the-mud type people who don't want to go along with their plans.
Amethyst is considered the most powerful and protective stone. It is used to have control of one's own thoughts and mindfulness and can also protect against fearful feelings.
We think this No Fear attitude sounds just like General Puffin!
Is your birthday in February or do you just like the color purple? Purchase your amethyst gemstone locket here.

This month we are celebrating the birthday of His Royal Highness (in his own mind) JeanBob!
This makes JeanBob's zodiac sign a Virgo and his birthstone the blue sapphire.
Virgos are perfectionists and are easily fixated by both ideas and tasks. They systematically approach their lives with very linear thinking and an "if this, than that" way of problem solving.

Virgos are hyper aware of details and this makes them very picky about the things and people they keep around them.

Virgos are good at taking complicated jumbles of information onto clear, sometimes oversimplified concepts. They are resourceful and committed friends.

We think this sounds just like JeanBob! And his fixation on getting a kiss to turn back into a prince!

Blue sapphires are associated with royalty and are said to be good for attracting wealth and gifts. Maybe JeanBob should start wearing a sapphire to aid in his "smooching" quest!
Is your birthday in September or do you just like the color blue?
Purchase your gemstone heart locket here!

Happy Birthday Queen Uberta! Queen Uberta's birthday is in August which makes her zodiac sign a Leo and her birthstone the peridot.

Every Leo sees themselves as a celebrity starring in the movie that is their life. They are theatrical, dramatic, artistic, and creative.

They are natural leaders who's energy draws in people from all walks of life.

Leos can be divas, they like all attention on them. This can bring out their ego, their pride and jealousy doesn't like when they are put in the background or ignored.

Despite their flamboyant nature Leos are loyal and consistent and put their whole heart into their relationships.

Leos are ambitious and determined, but most of all they are known for their bravery. Brave to stand up for their friendships, bravery to stand out from the crowd to be different, brave in their fashion choices, and brave in saying what they want out of life.

We think this sounds just like Queen Uberta!
The peridot is said to calm anger and is used to bring about a fresh start. When the peridot is set in gold, like in our heart locket, it is said to protect the wearer from bad dreams.
Is your birthday in August or do you just like the color green?
Purchase your gemstone heart locket here!

This month we're celebrating Bromely's birthday! This makes his astrological sign Cancer and his birthstone the ruby.

Cancer signs are very sensitive and sentimental. Their heart rules over their head. Better in small groups, Cancer signs are known for being fiercely loyal friends and for their quirky sense of humor.

Because they are so deeply feeling, large groups and stress can overwhelm cancer signs and make them moody and snappy. Because of their quick wit, however, those snappy moods are seen as funny by others who misinterpret their mood.

Cancer signs tend to be homebodies. They like their peaceful space where they can control what kind of energies enter into it.

Cancer signs are loyal to the core and will always show up for their friends and no matter what family comes first for them.

The ruby symbolizes nobility, purity, and passion. This passion is shown in their devotion to the friends and family they love so dearly.
Is your birthday in July or do you just love the color red?
Purchase your own ruby gemstone locket here!

This month we are celebrating the birthday of the delightfully quirky hag Bridget! This makes her zodiac sign Gemini and her birthstone a light amethyst.

The Gemini sign is also known as "the twins"; Geminis are famous for having many different sides to their personality that are often very different from each other. This makes them social chameleons able to make friends in all kinds of social groups.

Gemini's love variety. They are a youthful and energetic sign. This youthful energy can make them seem immature but they truly just have a love of life.

The flexible Gemini is very smart and clever, but because they have so many interests they are easily distracted. Their cleverness can sometimes cause them to be ruthless in their decisions as they can easily analyze and justify difficult choices.

Not only are they curious but they love to talk about anything and everything they have learned. They love to gossip to everyone about everything.

Gemini people tend to be very indecisive and very impulsive. They jump into everything 100%.
We think this sounds just like Bridget!
The light amethyst stone symbolizes purity of spirit and is believed to help heal wounds. I'm sure this helped Bridget on her journey from the Hag working for Rothbart to Bridget helping her friends at Swan Lake!
Is your birthday in June or do you just like the color lavender?
Purchase your own birthstone locket here!
This month we are celebrating the birthday of the regal King William. This makes his zodiac sign Taurus and his birthstone the emerald.
Taurus people are reliable and down-to-earth. They are very stubborn and love set patterns in life. They make loyal friends as they are wonderful at staying the course of life's ups and downs to be forever supportive of those they love.
Taurus love all things romantic and will throw themselves into finding true love for themselves and others (even if that means making your daughter spend summers with the prince you think is 'the one').
Taurus are loving and soothing to be around, this makes them great parents especially for young children.
They have very strong opinions and tend to stick to them. While this makes them passionate it can also make them seem unadventurous or close-minded.
The emerald symbolizes balance, growth, peace, and foresight. King William certainly showed great foresight in his choice of match for Odette!
We think this sounds just like King William! Is your birthday in May or do you just love the color green?
Purchase your very own Swan Princess emerald birthstone locket here!

This April we are celebrating the birthday of the villain we love to hate, Rothbart! This makes Rothbart's zodiac sign Aries and his birthstone a diamond.

Aries are a very strong personality. They are loud, brave, passionate, and strong. They are warm and likeable with a big personality but get bored easily so they are constantly finding new ways to entertain themselves.

They love competition and even more than that they love to WIN competition. This makes them very driven to get exactly what they want out of life.

Aries thrives off attention and thrill-seeking adventures. They have a big presence and love to make an entrance.

Though they are courageous they can also be reckless. Aries are very honest and somewhat tactless, they always say what they're thinking.

The diamond symbolizes strength and has been worn by many powerful people in history, both good and bad, to bring strength and invincibility.
Is your birthday in April or do you just love the color of the sparkling diamond? Purchase your gemstone locket here!

In March we celebrate the birthday of Mister Lorenzo Trudgealong, but his friends call him Speed!

This means Speed is a Pisces in the zodiac and aquamarine is his birthstone.

Pisces is the most intuitive and sympathetic of the zodiac signs and always goes out of their way to make sure everyone around them is happy. They are gentle, kind, and always ready to listen. They are very friendly and selfless.

Because it is so easy for the Pisces to make friends, they are often friends with many different kinds of people with strong personalities. They are the glue that hold these relationships together. Pisces are very tolerant and always willing to help others, no matter the situation; they often neglect their own self-care in the process.

Aquamarine is used to symbolize courage and friendship. It can also be used to improve communication skills and encourage quick response.
We think this sounds just like Speed!
Is your birthday in March or do you just like the color blue? Purchase your Aquamarine Birthstone Locket here!

Its Puffin's birthday in February!

That makes his zodiac sign an Aquarius and his birthstone the amethyst.

Aquarius are assertive and love to be the ones to make plans. They love evidence and facts; they are always looking for truth, justice, and fairness. They are analytical which makes them led more by their heads than their hearts.

Aquarius are not afraid to be themselves. They are unique and a bit eccentric. They always say what they think and can be very flowery when they speak. Their biggest dislikes are stick-in-the-mud type people who don't want to go along with their plans.

Amethyst is considered the most powerful and protective stone. It is used to have control of one's own thoughts and mindfulness and can also protect against fearful feelings.

We think this No Fear attitude sounds just like General Puffin!
Is your birthday in February or do you just like the color purple? Purchase your amethyst gemstone locket here.

This month we are celebrating the birthday of Lord Rogers! He has a zodiac sign of a Capricorn and the garnet as his birthstone.