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News from the Kingdom!
Swan 11 and Swan 12 Soundtrack Release
The joint digital soundtrack for A Fairy Tale is Born and Far Longer Than Forever, have been released! This is a great last minute gift for anyone on your list. It makes a great holiday party soundtrack too!
You can download your copy here
12 Days of Christmas
You can find our annual 12 Days of a Swan Princess Christmas Celebration on our social media channels! This year we are featuring some of our favorite art cels from the original Swan Princess film
Which one is your favorite? Let us know on social @SwanPrincessOfficial or through email at
Its that time again when we close the door on the old year and open the calendar to the new one. The collectible Swan Princess 2024 calendar will help you start the year in swanderful style!
The 2024 Swan Princess calendar features scans of our most memorable art cels. Printed on heavy card stock in rich color ink with a durable wire binding that allows the calendar to hang or lie flat.
You can purchase your 2024 calendar here
A swanderful gift idea, the Swan Princess cookbook is a great gift or stocking stuffer, especially as no shipping time is needed! The book features 21 Swan Princess themed recipes. Written by Allison Raible and Shauna LaFara. Can be downloaded as a PDF here. Your order confirmation and email will give a link to "access digital content". You can download the PDF at that link.
A print-on-demand spiral bound book version will be available soon.
You can download your copy here!
Odette Celebrates Christmas
Princess Odette loves celebrating with the Mascot Miracles Foundation! She wore her Christmas dress (you'll recognize it from her Christmas movie!) to holiday events all over the kingdom for children with life threatening illnesses. The Polar Express Ride took children on a historic train to visit the North Pole. They saw Santa, danced with elves, and sang with Odette!
She also attended tree lightings, holiday concerts, and Christmas parties at a care home. One of her favorite memories this season was rounding up some new friends for an impromptu Christmas carol concert!
They had lots of fun even if the couldn't quite remember all the words to the 12 Days of Christmas. They liked their fun, made-up lyrics better anyway!
You can learn more about the Mascot Miracles Foundation here

Awesome Things We Found in the Warehouse Today!
Between holiday shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking, decorating, traveling, parties, visits, and calls, all while keeping up on your regular responsibilities, this time of year can leave all of us a little frazzled. This rough sketch of Puffin from when he flies into a tree, perfectly fits our inner monologue. We especially love the written direction to "keep brows extra furry"
Hang in there Swan Princess fans and may your holidays be merry and bright!

Answer: Because as the storylines became more intricate more focus needed to be placed on other characters so his story arc was phased out. We like to believe he met a beautiful baker and settled down in a village where nothing dangerous or surprising ever happens and he can entertain the other villagers with tales of his many heroics.

Ornament Day is here! I believe it’s time for me to put my mother’s book down to focus on my present family for a while. With everything I’ve learned however, I wanted to make an ornament inspired by her. I commissioned our kingdom’s ornament maker to make an ornament of Alise, my mother and I, as if we were posing for a family portrait. I hoped it symbolized that she never really left us. Her spirit will always be with us for every Christmas and felt amongst the flowers of Swan Lake.
About The Swan Princess
The Swan Princess is based upon the folk tale and ballet, Swan Lake. The story is transformed into a playfully fun adventure with exciting music, lovable forest friends, and of course, the handsome Prince Derek. The Swan Princess, Odette, has stayed true to the original fairy tale princess with her kindness, grace, and loyalty.
Three reasons you should follow us on Facebook 1) Get a behind-the-scenes look as Princess Odette and Prince Derek continue their adventures 2) Be one of the first to be notified when new products are released and 3) Share your Swan Princess stories and tales with other die-hard fans.